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Home UK Christmas World Archive Twelve days of Christmas - Part Two

Twelve days of Christmas - Part Two

The last six days of the “The Twelve days of Christmas” are considered the most important, as the majority of them have close links with God and other important aspects of the Christian religion; they are the simplest gifts but they have the deepest meanings. For instance the phrase “My true love” refers to God and His love for His children.

sheet of music with Christmas bells laid on top

The Sixth Day

The sixth day isn’t as simple as the rest of the days as it potentially has more than one symbolic meaning. The sixth day is represented by “six geese a laying” and is thought to refer to either the Six commandments of the church or the six days that it took for God to finish His creation.


The Fifth Day

The fifth day is represented by “five gold rings”, the gold implies that the object is of great value, which is true as these rings symbolise the five books of the Old Testament. These books are known as the Torah and are considered more important and sacred than the rest of the Old Testament.

illustration of 5 gold rings


The Fourth Day

The four calling birds represent the fourth day of the “Twelve days of Christmas” but their second meaning is that of the Four Gospels. The four gospels are written from the perspectives of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; each gospel discusses the miracles and teachings of Jesus, although the fourth, John’s gospel, speaks more of the spiritual meaning that each of Jesus’ teachings held.


The Third Day

“Three French hens” are the gift that is given on the third day of Christmas. These hens can be interpreted in many different ways; some believe that the hens are the three wise men that brought gifts to Jesus, whilst it could also be depicted as the three parts of God (the trinity); the father, the son and the Holy Spirit.


The Second Day

The second day of the “Twelve days of Christmas” is personified through “Two turtle doves”. The two turtle doves can be viewed as the two natures of Jesus, his divinity and also his human nature, or it can be viewed as the two testaments; the old and new.


The First Day of Christmas

The first day of Christmas is considered to be the simplest gift, but it is also the most important of all the gifts that are given. The gist is “a partridge in a pear tree”. The partridge is Jesus and the pear tree is supposed to be the cross that he was nailed to; this is acknowledged as the most valuable of all the gifts as it is a gift from God. God supposedly gave His son as a sacrifice so that the rest of us could be “saved”.


The simplest of tales and childhood rhymes can have very deep meanings; the “Twelve days of Christmas” and “Ring a ring of Roses” are proof of this. However, there are many songs and stories with lighter meanings too, for more information on Christmas, festivities or decorations get in touch with us at UK Christmas World, we’re more than happy to help.

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