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Home Commercial Christmas Tips & Health and Safety

Commercial Christmas Tips & Health and Safety

Wrapping up your Christmas Icicle Lights 

Roll out a length of plastic sheet equal to that of the strand lights and cut the plastic sheet from the roll. Place the strand on top of the plastic sheet and roll the plastic sheet and strand lights together. This will keep the icicle strands from tangling and bundle everything neatly inside a sheet of plastic. 

Broken LED Lamps? 

LED lamps do last a long time, but from time to time one does fail to light up. As long as the bulb lens has not been cracked or broken, then the light set will continue to illuminate with the exception of any individual bulbs that are not working. 

Anchor Point Testing 

All anchor bolts including eye bolts and single point anchors used for the purpose hanging Christmas lighting, bloom baskets and banners, should be tested and carry a test certificate. These procedures are often known as eye bolt testing, safety eye bolt testing, safety system testing and recertification. Following initial installation, the system(s) should be annually inspected by a competent and qualified person in accordance with the Chartered Surveyors Code of Practice (second edition) to ensure it is in a safe working condition. Other relevant codes of practice are to include PLG06, and NRSWA (chapter 8). If the certification for your system(s) does expire, it is your responsibility to ensure that no one is allowed to use the system(s). 


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